VLMaterial: Procedural Material Generation with Large Vision-Language Models

Li, Wu, Solar-Lezama, Zheng, Shi, Bickel, Matusik

ICLR 2025

[Paper] [Project Website]

A review on artificial intelligence applications for facades

Duran, Waibel, Piccioni, Bickel, Schlueter

Building and Environment



Digital Garment Alteration

Eggler, Falque, Liu, Vidal-Calleja, Sorkine-Hornung, Pietroni

Pacific Graphics

[Paper] [Project Website]

BiGS: Bidirectional Gaussian Primitives for Relightable 3D Gaussian Splatting

Zhenyuan, Guo, Li, Bickel, Zhang

Arxiv (to appear at 3D Vision 2025)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Mesh Simplification For Unfolding

Bhargava, Schreck, Friere, Hugron, Lefebvre, Sellán*, Bickel*

Computer Graphics Forum 2024

[Paper] [Project Website]

Fabricable 3D Wire Art

Tojo, Shamir, Bickel, Umetani

SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers

[Paper] [Project Website]

MACS: Mass Conditioned 3D Hand and Object Motion Synthesis

Shimada, Mueller, Bednarik, Doosti, Bickel, Tang, Golyanik, Taylor, Theobalt, Beeler

3D Vision 2024

[Paper] [Project Website]

Lite2Relight: 3D-aware Single Image Portrait Relighting

Rao, Fox, Meka, B R, Zhan, Weyrich, Bickel, Pfister, Matusik, Elgharib, Theobalt

SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers

[Paper] [Project Website]


Dense 4D Nanoscale Reconstruction of Living Brain Tissue

Velicky, Miguel, Michalska, Lyudchik, Wei, Lin, Watson, Troidl, Beyer, Ben-Simon, Sommer, Jahr, Cenameri, Broichhagen, Grant, Jonas, Novarino, Pfister, Bickel, Danzl

Nature Methods


The Design Space of Kirchhoff Rods

Hafner, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2023)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization

Tojo, Ariel, Bickel, Umetani

SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Papers

[Paper] [Project Website]

Skin-Screen: A Computational Fabrication Framework for Color Tattoos

Piovarci, Chapiro, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2023)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Procedural Metamaterials: A Unified Procedural Graph for Metamaterial Design

Makatura, Wang, Chen, Deng, Wojtan, Bickel, Matusik

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph 2023)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Gloss-aware Color Correction for 3D Printing

Condor, Piovarci, Bickel, Didyk

SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Papers

[Paper] [Project Website]

Learning Deposition Policies for Fused Multi-Material 3D Printing

Liao, Tricard, Piovarci, Seidel, Babaei

ICRA 2023

[Paper] [Project Website]

PCBend: Light Up Your 3D Shapes With Foldable Circuit Boards

Freire*, Bhargava*, Schreck, Hugron, Bickel, Lefebvre

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2023)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns

Zhenyuan, Piovarci, Hafner, Charrondiere, Bickel

Computer Graphics Forum (EUROGRAPHICS 2023)

[Paper] [Project Website]


Gloss Management For Consistent Reproduction of Real and Virtual Objects

Chen, Piovarci, Wang, Seidel, Didyk, Myszkowski, Serrano

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37


VoRF Volumetric Relightable Faces

Rao, B R, Fox, Weyrich, Bickel, Pfister, Matusik, Tewari, Theobalt, Elgharib

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2022

[Paper] [Project Website]

State of the Art in Computational Mould Design

Alderighi, Malomo, Auzinger, Bickel, Cignoni, Pietroni

Computer Graphics Forum 2022

[Paper] [Project Website]

Closed-Loop Control of Direct Ink Writing via Reinforcement Learning

Piovarči, Foshey, Jie, Erps, Babaei, Didyk, Rusinkiewicz, Matusik, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles

Chen, Wang, Song, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Worst-Case Rigidity Analysis and Optimization for Assemblies with Mechanical Joints

Liu, Hu, Xu, Song, Zhang, Bickel, Fu

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2022)

[Paper] [Project Website]


Volume decomposition for two-piece rigid casting

Alderighi, Malomo, Bickel, Cignoni, Pietroni

ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Capturing Tactile Properties of Real Surfaces for Haptic Reproduction

Degraen, Piovarci, Bickel, Kruger

UIST 2021

[Paper] [Project Website]

The effect of shape and illumination on material perception: model and applications

Serrano, Chen, Wang, Piovarci, Seidel, Didyk, Myszkowski

ACM Transactions on Graphics 40


The Design Space of Plane Elastic Curves

Hafner, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(4) (SIGGRAPH 2021)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Computational Design of Planar Multistable Compliant Structures

Zhang, Auzinger, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(5) (Presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)

[Paper] [Project Website]

PhotoApp: Photorealistic appearance editing of head portraits

B R, Tewari, Dib, Weyrich, Bickel, Seidel, Pfister, Matusik, Chevallier, Elgharib, Theobalt

ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(4) (SIGGRAPH 2021)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Monocular Reconstruction of Neural Face Reflectance Fields

B R, Tewari, Oh, Weyrich, Bickel, Seidel, Pfister, Matusik, Elgharib, Theobalt

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

[Paper] [Project Website]

The effect of geometry and illumination on appearance perception of different material categories

Chen, Wang, Piovarci, Seidel, Didyk, Myszkowski, Serrano

The Visual Computer 2021


Computational Design of Skinned Quad-Robots

Feng, Liu, Wang, Yang, Bao, Bickel, Xu

EEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27(6)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Neural acceleration of scattering-aware color 3D printing

Rittig, Sumin, Babaei, Dydik, Voloboy, Wilkie, Bickel, Myszkowski, Weyrich, Křivánek

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2021)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Robust and practical measurement of volume transport parameters in solid photo-polymer materials for 3D printing

Elek, Zhang, Sumin, Myszkowski, Bickel, Wilkie, Krivánek, Weyrich

Optics Express 2021

[Paper] [Project Website]


Computational Design of Cold Bent Glass Façades

Gavriil, Guseinov, Pérez, Pellis, Henderson, Rist, Pottmann, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 39(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Computational design of curved thin shells: from glass façades to programmable matter


IST Austria (PhD thesis)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Programming temporal morphing of self-actuated shells

Guseinov, McMahan, Perez, Daraio, Bickel

Nature Communications (2020)

[Paper] [Project Website]


X-CAD: Optimizing CAD Models with Extended Finite Elements

Hafner, Schumacher, Knoop, Auzinger, Bickel, Baecher

ACM Transactions on Graphics 38(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)

[Paper] [Project Website]

FlexMaps Pavilion: a twisted arc made of mesostructured flat flexible panels

Laccone, Malomo, Perez, Pietroni, Ponchio, Bickel, Cignoni

FORM and FORCE, IASS Symposium 2019, Structural Membranes 2019

[Paper] [Project Website]

Geometry-Aware Scattering Compensation

Sumin, Rittig, Babaei, Myszkowski, Bickel, Wilkie, Křivánek, Weyrich

ACM Transactions on Graphics 38(4) (SIGGRAPH 2019)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Volume-Aware Design of Composite Molds

Alderighi, Malomo, Giorgi, Bickel, Cignoni, Pietroni

ACM Transactions on Graphics 38(4) (SIGGRAPH 2019)

[Paper] [Project Website]


FlexMaps: Computational Design of Flat Flexible Shells for Shaping 3D Objects

Malomo, Perez, Iarussi, Pietroni, Miguel, Cignoni, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)

[Paper] [Project Website]

CoreCavity: Interactive Shell Decomposition for Fabrication with Two-Piece Rigid Molds

Nakashima, Auzinger, Iarussi, Zhang, Igarashi, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(4) (SIGGRAPH 2018)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Computational Design of Nanostructural Color for Additive Manufacturing

Auzinger, Heidrich, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(4) (SIGGRAPH 2018)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Metamolds: Computational Design of Silicone Molds

Alderighi, Malomo, Giorgi, Pietroni, Bickel, Cignoni

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(4) (SIGGRAPH 2018)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Learning Three-dimensional Flow for Interactive Aerodynamic Design

Umetani, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(4) (SIGGRAPH 2018)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Efficient FEM-Based Simulation of Soft Robots Modeled as Kinematic Chains

Pozzi, Miguel, Deimel, Malvezzi, Bickel, Brock, Prattichizzo

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2018

[Paper] [Project Website]

State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication

Bickel, Cignoni, Malomo, Pietroni

Computer Graphics Forum



Scattering-Aware Texture Reproduction for 3D Printing

Elek, Sumin, Zhang, Weyrich, Myszkowski, Bickel, Wilkie, Křivánek

ACM Transactions on Graphics 36(6) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Functionality-aware Retargeting of Mechanisms to 3D Shapes

Zhang, Auzinger, Ceylan, Li, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 36(4) (SIGGRAPH 2017)

[Paper] [Project Website]

CurveUps: Shaping Objects from Flat Plates with Tension-Actuated Curvature

Guseinov, Miguel, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 36(4) (SIGGRAPH 2017)

[Paper] [Project Website]


Computational Multicopter Design

Du, Schulz, Zhu, Bickel, Matusik

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)

[Paper] [Project Website]

FlexMolds: Automatic Design of Flexible Shells for Molding

Malomo, Pietroni, Bickel, Cignoni

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Computational Design of Stable Planar-Rod Structures

Miguel, Lepoutre, Bickel

ACM Transactions on Graphics 35(4) (SIGGRAPH 2016)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Modeling and Estimation of Energy-Based Hyperelastic Objects

Miguel, Miraut, Otaduy

Computer Graphics Forum 35(2) (EUROGRAPHICS 2016)


DefSense: Computational Design of Customized Deformable Input Devices

Bächer, Hepp, Pece, Kry, Bickel, Thomaszewski, Hilliges

ACM SIGCHI, May 2016

[Paper] [Project Website]


Computational Design of Walking Automata

Bharaj, Coros, Thomaszewski, Tompkin, Bickel, Pfister

ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2015)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Detailed Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Eyelids

Bermano, Beeler, Yeara, Bradley, Bickel, Gross

ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2015 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]

OmniAD Data-driven Omni-directional Aerodynamics

Martin, Umetani, Bickel

ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2015 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Microstructures to Control Elasticity in 3D Printing

Schumacher, Bickel, Marschner, Rys, Daraio, Gross

ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2015 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Design and Fabrication of Flexible Rod Meshes

Perez, Thomaszewski, Coros, Bickel, Canabal, Sumner, Otaduy

ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2015 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]

Recent Advances in Facial Appearance Capture

Klehm, Rousselle, Papas, Bradley, Hery, Bickel, Jarosz, Beeler

Computer Graphics Forum 34(2) (Eurographics 2015)

[Paper] [Project Website]


Facial Performance Enhancement using Dynamic Shape Space Analysis

Bermano, Bradley, Beeler, Zund, Nowrouzezahrai, Baran, Sorkine, Pfister, Sumner, Bickel, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Designing Inflatable Structures

Skouras, Thomaszewski, Kaufmann, Garg, Bickel, Grinspun, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects

Bächer, Whiting, Bickel, Sorkine-Hornung

ACM Trans. Graph. 33, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2014 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]


3D Printing Spatially Varying BRDFs

Rouiller, Bickel, Kautz, Matusik, Alexa

Computational Aspects of Fabrication


Orthogonal slicing for additive manufacturing

Hildebrand, Bickel, Alexa

Computer and Graphics


Modeling and Estimation of Internal Friction in Cloth

Miguel, Tamstorf, Bradley, Schvartzman, Thomaszewski, Bickel, Matusik, Marschner, Otaduy

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Augmenting Physical Avatars using Projector-based Illumination

Bermano, Bruschweiler, Grundhofer, Iwai, Bickel, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Fabricating Translucent Materials using Continuous Pigment Mixtures

Papas, Regg, Jarosz, Bickel, Jackson, Matusik, Marschner, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Computational Design of Actuated Deformable Characters

Skouras, Thomaszewski, Coros, Bickel, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Computational Design of Mechanical Characters

Coros, Thomaszewski, Noris, Sueda, Forberg, Sumner, Matusik, Bickel

ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 4 (SIGGRAPH 2013 Papers)

[Paper] [Project Website]


Physical Face Cloning

Bickel, Kaufmann, Skouras, Thomaszewski, Bradley, Beeler, Jackson, Marschner, Matusik, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Fabricating Articulated Characters from Skinned Meshes

Bacher, Bickel, James, Pfister

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Coupled 3D Reconstruction of Sparse Facial Hair and Skin

Beeler, Bickel, Noris, Beardsley, Marschner, Sumner, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


crdbrd: Shape Fabrication by Sliding Planar Slices

Hildebrand, Bickel, Alexa

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)


Data-Driven Estimation of Cloth Simulation Models

Miguel, Bradley, Thomaszewski, Bickel, Matusik, Otaduy, Marschner

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)


Computational Design of Rubber Balloons

Skouras, Thomaszewski, Bickel, Gross

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)



High-Quality Passive Facial Performance Capture using Anchor Frames

Beeler, Hahn, Bradley, Bickel, Beardsley, Gotsman, Sumner, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics



Subsurface scattering using splat-based diffusion in point-based rendering

Kim, Bickel, Gross, Choi

Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics)


High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry

Beeler, Bickel, Beardsley, Sumner, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics


Design and Fabrication of Materials with Desired Deformation Behavior

Bickel, Moritz, Otaduy, Lee, Pfister, Gross, Matusik

ACM Transactions on Graphics



Capture and Modeling of Non-Linear Heterogeneous Soft Tissue

Bickel, Moritz, Otaduy, Matusik, Pfister, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics



Pose-Space Animation and Transfer of Facial Details

Bickel, Lang, Botsch, Otaduy, Gross

ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation



Texturing Internal Surfaces from a Few Cross-Sections

Pietroni, Otaduy, Bickel, Ganovelli, Gross

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)


Multi-Scale Capture of Facial Geometry and Motion

Bickel, Botsch, Angst, Matusik, Otaduy, Pfister

ACM Transactions on Graphics



Implementation Sketch: Processing and Editing of Faces using a Measurement-Based Skin Reflectance Model

Bickel, Botsch, Angst, Matusik, Otaduy, Pfister



Adaptive Simulation of Electrical Discharges

Bickel, Wicke, Gross



Analysis of Human Faces using a Measurement-Based Skin Reflectance Model

Weyrich, Matusik, Pfister, Bickel, Donner, Tu, McAndless, Lee, Ngan, Jensen, Gross

ACM Transactions on Graphics 25(3) (SIGGRAPH 2006)

[Paper] [Project Website]